Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I made a list

I listed all the things I have been assigned to do so far and haven't submitted.

It was 15 items long.

So here goes, I will list them.

For Communications;
-This blog needs things added to it regularly, and until tonight there wasn't anything.
-Creative Inquiry brief. DUE NEXT MONDAY
This is going to be difficult cos I don't want a "career" and I don't want to go and do a 2 year art course like I thought I might at the end of year 12. I've been told that maybe I could just talk about short courses, which I could see myself doing, because I should be thinking about what I want out of the brief instead of what I think the markers want to see.

For Experimental Design;
-Choose layout for disguise photos and submit a print request.
-I haven't finished the piece for the sculpture workshop yet, cos it was a little more intricate than I intended and tbh I don't have a vision of what it will look like in the end.
-We got a new brief called "cage a feeling" and I need to create a solid vision for what I want and chose and purchase my materials.

For Culture and Context;
-I've avoided doing the journey through nature brief because I don't really like that I started with. Ian said I could come back to it later on.
-Grunge poster. I'm really enjoying this. I have been working on this today and just getting messy and ruining things is fun. I developed 20 photos (10 printed twice) and then I will choose my favourite from that, then decide what the poster will be for and how I will incorporate text and stuff.
-We were given a sheet to fill in so that they know we understand what grunge is and a few references for the research for our piece.

For Illustration;
-My postcard for the tea shop isn't done. I hand drew in the tea cups and when I got feedback on my work I realised it looked a bit wrong so that was a little tiny bit off putting. I need to scan them and add text digitally I think. Might see what I can do about the tea cups as well.
-We drew images to accompany a news article and I have finished that (not completely happy with it...), I just need to mount it with some of the text and submit it.
-Need to find a record sleeve with a face on it to photograph my body under it. Which is becoming a little trend on the net atm apparently.

For Visual Literature;
-For the paper line brief I was thinking I would do a blind contour portrait (cos I found them really funny in life drawing) and layering paper in the sections of the odd shapes.

For Art Practice;
-I was keen on the 10 tiny treasures brief when I first received it cos I have a whole bunch of useless shit that all has a story behind it. Once I brought in my stuff and tried to photograph them and the camera kept using flash and I ceebs. I felt a little pressured to use one of my treasures when I kind of liked another one more and I just had no motivation to do anything. I'm gonna just ignore this brief for now.
-We are going to create artworks based on the 9x5 exhibit, I don't know what I want to do for that yet.
-Mock Linden gallery application form.
I counted this as one of the 15 but then I realised it probably didn't actually need doing when I started to fill it out.

So there we are... a lot to do.

Must start blog

I've forgotten that I need to do blog entries for Communications class at NTAC.
I kinda liked annotating my art folio in year 12 so I guess if I think of this as similar, it might be a little easier to motivate myself.

Ah so I started this course a few weeks later than the rest of the students because I was trying to avoid thinking about where my life was heading. I was enjoying floating around and just being where I liked but as soon as my friends were going back to TAFE I realised that I wasn't doing anything.

I really didn't enjoy the idea of getting a job, I'm kind of afraid of joining the rat race and then getting trapped there forever. That's not the kind of person I want to be, just another worker.

I've always known I liked art in high school and it was a nice, calm distraction from my other classes because I was allowed to express what I felt, I was allowed to feel crappy and take it out on my work. So at the end of the year I was considering going on to RMIT or something, that's what I had my eye on for some reason. I went to an open day there and the fine arts building was gorgeous, but the visual arts course was in another building down the street... but still.

Umm, I still wasn't sure I wanted to get into further education I was so sick of highschool and I had lost motivation to do very well so I just cruised through exams and didn't build much of a folio. I was just so glad when it was all over, I just wanted to get as far away as possible. I'd found a new group of friends that didn't go to my high school and my old friends eventually started to bother me. After schoolies I basically ditched them all.

I think I just needed to start over.

So when all of my new friends now had things to do, I had nothing and was feeling pretty shit about life.
I was getting by on $30 for mowing the lawn every few weeks and the occasional few dollars I could talk out of Mum for petrol. Quitting study wasn't the best thing to do financially.

I had a random thought one night while just feeling shit about wasting my life (potentially), that I could see my mentor and art teacher from year 12 and she could tell me what I needed to do. She said that how would I know if I wanted to do a course if I hadn't done one and sent me off with the careers advisor person and he called up NCAT for me to ask if they had any places free and if I could go in for an interview. Me and my art teacher had spoken about NCAT as an option before because I didn't have a very strong folio, that along with my other grades, there was practically no way I was getting into a university art course.

So yeah, on my way home from the school I received a call from NCAT and they wanted to see me and I went in as soon as I could and it just all happened so quickly.

Now that I am in this course I am getting a familiar feeling. I can image myself getting really bogged down with work that I have no motivation to get it done and fearing failure.

I now know that I couldn't go on and do another 2 years of schooling (on top of this one).

My goal at the moment is to just get this course done. It's only a year. Well... that's what I've been saying to myself. When you think about your entire life, one year is hardly anything and time does seem to go fast so I might be okay, I might survive :P